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Refund Policy


Please read our return policy before returning your item to make the process easy and as fast as possible.

You have the possibility to return or exchange your order within 15 days after purchase. The original invoice must be included. Your return parcel can be sent or returned to our shop at the following address:


A. P. Ceramiche Store

Agnese Pagliano

Via Castelfidardo 55

61121 Pesaro



Please note that products need to be returned in the same state as when they where purchased. Any used, damaged goods or products that show signs of wear and use will not be accepted. It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure the goods are in the same condition as when purchased. If your order is damaged upon delivery to you, please contact me at info@apceramiche.com as soon as noticed. When we receive your parcel and the items are approved we will return the order amount to your account or gift card used for the purchase.

If you have received a gift, which has been bought from apceramiche.com and you wish to return the product we can exchange it to another product of the equivalent value. If you find a product, which is more expensive, you can pay the difference and we will send it to you instead. Expenses in connection with the returning and the delivery of a new product are to be paid by you. In both cases you must contact us at info@apceramiche.com